IC 10: Spiral, elliptical, irregular
IC 10: Spiral, elliptical, irregular
IC 10: Spiral, elliptical, irregular
IC 10: Spiral, elliptical, irregular

IC 10: Spiral, elliptical, irregular

🚀 Wydruk Premium Astrography™

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: do 5 dni roboczych (bez weekendów i świąt).

Czas dostawy : Średni czas dostawy wynosi od 3 do 7 dni roboczych.

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W naszym małym studiu kreatywnym ręcznie przygotowujemy dla Ciebie każdy wydruk. Nie mamy na półkach przygotowanych wcześniej gotowych posterów. Priorytetem jest dla nas Twoje zadowolenie, dlatego wybacz nam, jeśli czasem trochę się spóźnimy.

Opóźnienia w dostawie? Spowodowane mogą być świętami, globalnymi wydarzeniami lub nieprzewidywanymi zdarzeniami. Jeśli zmienisz zdanie, możesz odesłać swoją przesyłkę w ciągu 14 dni, bez żadnych pytań. Sprawdź szczegóły dostawy i zwrotów.

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Twoje zaufanie znaczy dla nas więcej niż cały Wszechświat! 🚀

    Manufacturer contact information
    Name: Astrography Sp. z o.o.
    Email address: support@astrography.com
    Postal address: Marcina Flisa 4 Street, Warsaw, Poland, 02-247

    Age restrictions: This product is made for adults
    EU Warranty: 2 year warranty in EEA and UK, established by Directive 1999/44/EC.

    Other compliance information: Meets the small parts and magnetic flux index level requirements. Inks: Water-based pigment inks (EPSON UltraChrome Pro12, Canon Lucia PRO Ink) or eco-solvent inks (UltraChrome GS3).

    Hazards Identification
    Classification (EC 1272/2008):
    Not classified as hazardous. Adverse Effects: None identified. 

    Please note that this product is suitable for indoor use only. Meets the lead level requirements.

    Credits: NASA

    IC 10: Spiral, elliptical, irregular by Hubble Space Telescope

    Capture a piece of cosmic history with this extraordinary image of IC 10, the closest starburst galaxy to Earth, meticulously photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope and transformed into museum-quality wall art for your collection.

    The Cosmic Rarity in Your Collection

    IC 10 stands as one of the most fascinating members of our Local Group – the cosmic neighborhood that includes our own Milky Way and over 50 other galaxies. What makes this irregular galaxy truly exceptional is its classification as the closest starburst galaxy to Earth, positioned just 2.2 million light-years away.

    Unlike the elegant spiral arms of galaxies like our own or the smooth, rounded appearance of elliptical galaxies, IC 10 breaks the mold with its untamed, irregular structure that tells a story of cosmic evolution in progress.

    A Celestial Masterpiece of Creation

    What you're witnessing in this captivating image is nothing short of cosmic creation itself. IC 10 is undergoing a spectacular period of furious star formation, fueled by abundant supplies of cool hydrogen gas.

    This extraordinary process begins when the gas condenses into vast molecular clouds, which then form dense knots where extreme pressures and temperatures trigger nuclear fusion – giving birth to entirely new generations of stars right before your eyes.

    Historical Significance & Cosmic Mystery

    Despite its relatively close cosmic proximity, IC 10 remained hidden from human knowledge until 1887, when American astronomer Lewis Swift first spotted it during an observing campaign.

    Even today, this celestial object presents challenges to astronomers as it sits along a line-of-sight crowded with cosmic dust and stars. This Hubble Space Telescope image offers a rare, clear view into this typically obscured cosmic wonder.

    Perfect For Who Wants More:

    • Art Collectors seeking rare astronomical pieces with historical significance
    • Space and Science Enthusiasts who appreciate the scientific marvel of starburst galaxies
    • Interior Designers creating sophisticated spaces with conversation-starting focal points
    • Home Decorators looking for original, meaningful alternatives to conventional wall art
    • Gift Seekers searching for a truly unforgettable present for someone special

    Museum-Quality Art Made to Last Generations

    At Astrography, we don't just offer images – we curate cosmic moments with both scientific significance and profound artistic value.

    Each piece in our collection has been carefully selected for its ability to tell a compelling cosmic story while delivering exceptional visual impact. This IC 10 print exemplifies our commitment to bringing you only the most interesting and meaningful captures from the universe.

    Your IC 10 artwork comes prepared in gallery-grade Fine Arts quality, crafted to maintain its vibrant details and colors for over 200 years. This heirloom-quality piece will be passed down through generations, carrying its cosmic story far into the future. For those mindful of budget, we also offer a high-quality poster version that maintains the visual impact while being more accessible.

    Bring the Mysteries of IC 10 Into Your Space Today

    Don't miss your opportunity to own this exceptional glimpse into one of our cosmic neighborhood's most dynamic galaxies. Order now to transform your space with the raw beauty and scientific wonder of IC 10 – a galaxy caught in the magnificent act of creating new stars.



    Bezkonkurencyjna jakość druku

    Astrography korzysta z najnowocześniejszych drukarek pigmentowych Fine Art, tej samej technologii, którą można znaleźć w najlepszych galeriach sztuki i muzeach. Każdy wydruk jest wytwarzany wewnętrznie, co zapewnia wyjątkową przejrzystość, kolor i trwałość. Doświadcz różnicy dzięki Astrography.

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    Poznaj Jesiona

    Cześć, entuzjaści kosmosu! Nazywam się Adam Jesionkiewicz i jestem założycielem Astrography. Kilka lat temu postanowiłem zejść z korporacyjnej drabiny i spełnić swoje marzenie — zanurzyć się w zapierającym dech w piersiach pięknie kosmosu. Astrografia to nie tylko biznes; to sanktuarium dla każdego, kogo fascynują gwiazdy, planety i galaktyki daleko, daleko stąd.

    Kliknij tutaj, aby przeczytać wywiad z Jesionem na Insider.com