NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)
NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)

NASA Poster: Spirit & Opportunity (20th Anniversary)

🚀 Wydruk Premium Astrography™

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: do 5 dni roboczych (bez weekendów i świąt).

Czas dostawy : Średni czas dostawy wynosi od 3 do 7 dni roboczych.

Ubezpieczenie wysyłki (opcjonalne):dzięki niemu Twoje zamówienie jest chronione przed utratą, kradzieżą lub uszkodzeniem — nawet po rozpakowaniu. Ponadto nasz szybki proces reklamacyjny zapewnia bezproblemowe rozwiązania (wyślemy zamiennik bez zadawania zbędnych pytań).

W naszym małym studiu kreatywnym ręcznie przygotowujemy dla Ciebie każdy wydruk. Nie mamy na półkach przygotowanych wcześniej gotowych posterów. Priorytetem jest dla nas Twoje zadowolenie, dlatego wybacz nam, jeśli czasem trochę się spóźnimy.

Opóźnienia w dostawie? Spowodowane mogą być świętami, globalnymi wydarzeniami lub nieprzewidywanymi zdarzeniami. Jeśli zmienisz zdanie, możesz odesłać swoją przesyłkę w ciągu 14 dni, bez żadnych pytań. Sprawdź szczegóły dostawy i zwrotów.

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    Manufacturer contact information
    Name: Astrography Sp. z o.o.
    Email address:
    Postal address: Marcina Flisa 4 Street, Warsaw, Poland, 02-247

    Age restrictions: This product is made for adults
    EU Warranty: 2 year warranty in EEA and UK, established by Directive 1999/44/EC.

    Other compliance information: Meets the small parts and magnetic flux index level requirements. Inks: Water-based pigment inks (EPSON UltraChrome Pro12, Canon Lucia PRO Ink) or eco-solvent inks (UltraChrome GS3).

    Hazards Identification
    Classification (EC 1272/2008):
    Not classified as hazardous. Adverse Effects: None identified. 

    Please note that this product is suitable for indoor use only. Meets the lead level requirements.

    Credits: NASA

    Celebrate 20 Years of Spirit & Opportunity with Exclusive NASA Poster

    Relive the historic journeys of NASA's twin rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, with this exclusive 20th-anniversary poster. Capturing the essence of interplanetary exploration, this poster commemorates the groundbreaking missions that transformed our understanding of Mars.

    The Dawn of a New Era in Space Exploration

    In January 2004, twin NASA rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, touched down on opposite sides of Mars, igniting a new era of interplanetary robotic exploration. Arriving three weeks apart in dramatic fashion, each rover was encapsulated in airbags that bounced along the Martian surface before coming to a stop. Their mission? To search for evidence of past water activity on the Red Planet.

    Groundbreaking Discoveries

    Spirit and Opportunity’s findings rewrote the science textbooks. Shortly after landing, Opportunity discovered the famous “blueberries” – spherical pebbles of hematite formed in acidic water. Undaunted by a damaged wheel, Spirit uncovered signs of ancient hot springs several years into its mission, which could have been ideal habitats for microbial life.

    Before these missions, scientists had only suspected that Mars was radically different long ago. Thanks to the incredible data collected by Spirit and Opportunity, there is proof that liquid water indeed shaped many of Mars’ features.

    An Enduring Legacy

    “We proved a wet, early Mars once existed,” said Matt Golombek of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Their success paved the way for larger rovers like Curiosity, which landed in 2012 and found chemical ingredients necessary for life, and Perseverance, which arrived in 2021 to collect rock samples for future return to Earth.

    Technological Advancements

    The technology and practices developed during the Spirit and Opportunity missions, such as specialized software and 3D goggles for navigation, continue to benefit current Mars missions. Engineers honed their skills over the years, enabling safer, longer drives and more complex mission planning for Curiosity and Perseverance.

    Marathon of Achievement

    Designed for a 90-day mission, Spirit landed on January 3, while Opportunity landed on January 24. These solar-powered rovers far exceeded expectations, with Opportunity lasting nearly 15 years and covering almost 30 miles. This unprecedented longevity allowed scientists to explore diverse Martian terrains and discover the planet’s rich history of various watery environments.

    Inspirational Journey

    The twin rovers inspired a new generation of scientists, including Abigail Fraeman, who watched Opportunity’s landing as a high school student. She later became a Mars geologist and helped lead the Opportunity science team, now working as deputy project scientist for Curiosity.

    Own a Piece of Space Exploration History

    Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Spirit and Opportunity’s missions with this exclusive NASA poster.

    Perfect for space enthusiasts, educators, and anyone inspired by the cosmos, this poster is a tribute to the spirit of exploration and discovery. 

    Order yours today and commemorate the rovers that changed our understanding of the Red Planet.

    Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech


    Bezkonkurencyjna jakość druku

    Astrography korzysta z najnowocześniejszych drukarek pigmentowych Fine Art, tej samej technologii, którą można znaleźć w najlepszych galeriach sztuki i muzeach. Każdy wydruk jest wytwarzany wewnętrznie, co zapewnia wyjątkową przejrzystość, kolor i trwałość. Doświadcz różnicy dzięki Astrography.

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    Poznaj Jesiona

    Cześć, entuzjaści kosmosu! Nazywam się Adam Jesionkiewicz i jestem założycielem Astrography. Kilka lat temu postanowiłem zejść z korporacyjnej drabiny i spełnić swoje marzenie — zanurzyć się w zapierającym dech w piersiach pięknie kosmosu. Astrografia to nie tylko biznes; to sanktuarium dla każdego, kogo fascynują gwiazdy, planety i galaktyki daleko, daleko stąd.

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