Astrography® Artist
Marzena Rogozińska

About 1.5 years ago, Marzena developed a deep fascination for astrophotography. Her captivating images have earned recognition from NASA, including the title of Astronomy Picture of the Day. In pursuit of dark skies and intriguing compositions, Marzena travels extensively throughout Poland and beyond, capturing stunning images of the Milky Way, aurora borealis, deep sky objects, and the Solar System. Her work is featured in Polish astronomy magazines, and she actively engages with the community through author's events and educational workshops for children.


    Marzena Rogozińska

    Super Happy Customers

    We are immensely grateful to our fans for helping us become the leading global seller of space art. With our products reaching over 20,000 customers across 70 nations, your support has truly been invaluable.